3 Ways To Pay Your Taxes

18 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If you owe money to the IRS, there are actually many different ways you can pay them. The method of which you pay the IRS depends on your current financial situation and what way you personally find most convenient. Here are some different ways to pay the IRS what you owe them. Pay in Person While this isn't as common of a method, it is definitely an option. When you pay your taxes in person, you benefit by having the option of paying in cash. Read More 

Kiddie Tax And Inheritance: Do You Report On Your Child’s Income Taxes Or Yours?

14 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If your child receives an inheritance from a recently deceased grandparent, you may wonder if you should report the income on your taxes or on your child's taxes. Child inheritances are considered unearned income and taxable. You can report the inheritance on your own income taxes, but you may run into problems if you do. The extra income may put you over the threshold to receive certain tax exemptions and deductions. Read More 

4 Tips For Choosing A New CPA For Your Non-Profit Youth Camp

11 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Running a deep woods camp for inner city kids or a swim school for the kids of immigrants is a great way to give back to the community, but operations alone are sure to keep you very busy all year round. Turning to the help of a CPA prevents costly tax and filing mistakes that threaten your non-profit status. If you're looking for a new CPA or the first one for your camp organization, use these simple tips for finding the right professional. Read More 

Adjusting Entries: What They Are And Why They Are So Important For Your Company

11 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Accounting for a large company can be a time-consuming task, because there are so many different tasks that must be completed. Each day, your accounting staff might record the transactions of the business, pay the bills, and balance the books, but there are also steps that need to be completed at the end of each month. One of these tasks is called adjusting entries. What Are Adjusting Entries? Adjusting entries are unique compared to other types of accounting transactions, primarily because they are only completed at the end of periods. Read More 

Careers In Accounting: Addressing Two Routine Concerns

6 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

A career as an accountant can be an excellent option for those that are wanting a career that is both financially rewarding and satisfying. However, this is an occupation that is largely misunderstood, which can cause some people to overlook this option. Fortunately, learning these two answers to frequently asked questions about jobs in accounting should help you to make an informed choice about whether or not this career is right for you. Read More